Hurricane and Tornado Damage Attorney
Blog . Property Damage ClaimsWind knocked down a tree that fell onto your garage and destroyed it. Hail pelted your home wreaking havoc on the roof and siding. A hurricane made your house unlivable. A tornado tore through your business ruining your inventory. You filed a property insurance claim, only to have it denied or underpaid by the insurance company.
The solution to these problems We handle homeowners insurance disputes and business insurance disputes every day, fighting for fairness against insurers that fail to fulfill their promises to policyholders who file wind, hail, hurricane and tornado damage claims in South Texas.
Why Was Your San Antonio Storm Damage Claim Underpaid or Denied? Our Lawyer Can Help.
Policyholders frequently contact us in a state of shock. They are angry that they have been forced to contact an attorney to overcome a denied or underpaid claim, and they are surprised that the insurance company is treating them this way. They often ask us why their claim has been denied or underpaid.
In many cases, the answer has to do with documentation. If wind destroyed your garage, documentation may not show the extent and cost of the damage to the insurance company’s satisfaction. If your roof and siding were damaged by hail, documentation may not clearly define how much money will need to be spent on repairs. If your home was made unlivable by a hurricane, you may have forgotten to provide documentation about the cost of staying elsewhere while the repairs were made. If you lost business inventory because of a tornado, you may not have fully documented all the inventory that was lost.
With more than 20 years of experience on our side, we know what insurance companies are looking for. We know how to put together claims that make it clear how much money you need and why. If the insurance company still wants to fight, we are prepared to fight.